H.611 Older Vermonters Act 5/22/2020
Economic Recovery Package 5/22/2020
University of Vermont and Vermont State Colleges Update 5/21/2020
Discussion - Reopening Plan 5/21/2020
Global Warming Solutions Act 5/21/2020
S.233 Uniform Licensing Standards, H.958 Communications Union Districts 5/21/2020
Joint Land Resolution 5/21/2020
S.124 Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Amendments 5/21/2020
COVID-19 Response: Funding Education 5/21/2020
H.716 Abenaki Hunting and Fishing Licenses, H.209 School Construction Projects, H.956 Misc. Amendments to Alcoholic Beverage Laws 5/21/2020
S.237 Promoting Affordable Housing, S.256 New Vermont Employee Incentive Program 5/20/2020
May 20, 2020 [MRSB]
H.716 Abenaki Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Education Finance 5/20/2020
Solid Waste 5/20/2020
May 20, 2020 [GMCB]
May 20, 2020 [WCUUSDB]
Building for a Better Backyard for Birds and Bugs, Jim Graves 5/20/2020
Investigating Complaints of Unprofessional Conduct with David Herlihy
COVID-19 Response: Farmer Support, H.656 Miscellaneous Agricultural Subjects 5/20/2020
News & Interview Debbie Ingram, Candidate Lieutenant Governor
COVID-19 FY2020 Proposed Budget Adjustment: SOS, EMS 5/19/2020
Revenue Update 5/19/2020
May 19, 2020 [WRUDB]
Review of Findings and Recommendations to Date 5/19/2020
H.783 Recovery Residences, Post COVID-19 Housing for the Currently Homeless 5/19/2020
May 19, 2020 [MSB]
H.716 Abenaki Hunting and Fishing Licenses 5/19/2020
May 18, 2020