S.348 Temporary Elections Procedures in the Year 2020 6/12/2020
U-32 Graduation Speeches 2020
Board Retreat 6/12/2020
Law Enforcement - Disciplinary Action 6/12/2020
S.237 Housing and Act 250 Recommendations, River Corridor Provisions, Municipal Water and Wastewater Connections 6/11/2020
S.224 Miscellaneous Changes to Education Laws, Emergency Repair of School Ventilation Systems 6/11/2020
Law Enforcement 6/11/2020
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Reforms 6/11/2020
S.348 Temporary Elections Procedures in the Year 2020 6/10/2020
Act 250 Trails Provisions, Act 250 Forest Block and Habitat Corridor Provision 6/10/2020
Governor Scott and Administration Officials COVID-19 Update 6/10/2020
H.961 Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF): Summer Meals to Children, Appropriations for Education 6/10/2020
COVID-19 Response: CRF-Funded Housing Proposal 6/10/2020
June 10, 2020 [MCC]
June 10, 2020 [CVF]
COVID-19 Response: COVID Relief Fund 6/10/2020
Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), H.209 Ending the Suspension of State Aid for School Construction Projects 6/10/2020
COVID-19 Response: Telemedicine and Broadband, Broadband Need in Rural Vermont 6/9/2020
COVID-19 Response: Proposed CRF Funded Legislation 6/9/2020
COVID-19 Response: Discussion 6/9/2020
S.351 Providing Financial Relief Assistance to the Agricultural Community Due to COVID-19 PM Session 6/9/2020
June 9, 2020 [RDAP]
S.351 Providing Financial Relief Assistance to the Agricultural Community Due to COVID-19 AM Session 6/9/2020
H.964 Compensation for Certain State Employees (Pay Act) 6/9/2020
H.961 Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF): Appropriations for Education 6/9/2020
H.750 Creating a National Guard Provost Marshal 6/9/2020
S.224 Misc. Changes to Ed. Laws, Standardized Testing for Adult Learning, Emergency Repair of School Ventilation Systems 6/9/2020
COVID-19 Response: Education Financing 6/9/2020