H.966 COVID-19 Funding and Assistance for Broadband Connectivity, Housing, And Economic Relief Part 1 6/24/2020
Linda Joy Sullivan, Candidate for State Auditor
H.966 COVID-19 Funding and Assistance for Broadband Connectivity, Housing, And Economic Relief Part 2 6/24/2020
S.119 Statewide Use of Deadly Force Policy for Law Enforcement, S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/24/2020
Anne Watson 6/24/2020
June 24, 2020 [MCC]
S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/24/2020
S.124 Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Amendments 6/24/2020
Crip Camp, Interview With the Directors and Producers
H.966 COVID-19 Funding and Assistance for Broadband Connectivity, Housing, And Economic Relief Part 1 6/23/2020
S.119 Statewide Use of Deadly Force Policy for Law Enforcement, S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement Part 1 6/23/2020
S.232 Expansion of Juvenile Jurisdiction 6/23/2020
Plastic Bag Ban Tax, H.966 COVID-19 Funding and Assistance for Broadband Connectivity, Housing, And Economic Relief Part 2 6/23/2020
S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/23/2020
Vermont Spirits Council, H.750 Creating a National Guard Provost Marshal 6/23/2020
June 23, 2020 [CVF]
S.119 Statewide Use of Deadly Force Policy for Law Enforcement, S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/23/2020
Law Enforcement - Act163 Body Cams and Other Issues 6/23/2020
S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement Part 1 6/23/2020
Informational Meeting June 23, 2020 [RSUD]
S.232 Implementing the Expansion of Juvenile Jurisdiction, S.338 Justice Reinvestment 6/23/2020
COVID-19 Response: Testing Funds for Independent Colleges 6/23/2020
Student Learning and Assessments, H.961 Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF): Future of Public Higher Education in Vermont 6/23/2020
Governor Scott and Administration Officials COVID-19 Update 6/22/2020
H.716 Abenaki Hunting and Fishing Licenses, H.683 Protection of Migratory Birds 6/22/2020
H.964 Compensation for Certain State Employees (Pay Act) 6/22/2020
S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/22/2020
Executive Board June 22, 2020 [WVRSU]