H.244 Natural Organic Reduction of Human Remains, H.329 Prohibitions Against Discrimination 3/8/2022 |
03/30/2022 - 6:04pm |
Yes |
03/08/2022 |
S.250 Enhanced Administrative and Judicial Accountability of Law Enforcement Officers 2/25/2022 |
03/30/2022 - 3:30pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.197 Coordinated Mental Health Crisis Response Working Group 2/25/2022 |
03/30/2022 - 3:26pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.285 Expanding the Blueprint for Health and Access to Home- and Community-Based Services 2/25/2022 |
03/30/2022 - 3:04pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.155 Creation of the Agency of Public Safety 2/25/2022 |
03/29/2022 - 6:46pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.287 Student Equity by Adj the School Funding Formula & Education Quality/Funding Oversight 2/25/2022 |
03/29/2022 - 6:35pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.226 Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Housing 2/25/2022 |
03/29/2022 - 6:16pm |
Yes |
02/25/2022 |
S.254 Private Right of Action Against Law Enforcement Officers for Violating Rights 2/24/2022 |
03/29/2022 - 6:12pm |
Yes |
02/24/2022 |
Education Finance Restructuring 2/24/2022 |
03/29/2022 - 6:08pm |
Yes |
02/24/2022 |
H.728 Opioid Overdose Response Services Part 3 2/24/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:56pm |
Yes |
02/24/2022 |
H.728 Opioid Overdose Response Services Part 2 2/24/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:54pm |
Yes |
02/24/2022 |
H.728 Opioid Overdose Response Services Part 1 2/24/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:52pm |
Yes |
02/24/2022 |
S.163 State Court Jurisdiction for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status 2/23/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:49pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
S.226 Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Housing 2/23/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:41pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
S.287 Student Equity by Adj the School Funding Formula & Education Quality/Funding Oversight 2/23/2022 |
03/28/2022 - 1:36pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
H.546 Racial Justice Statistics Part 2 2/23/2022 |
03/25/2022 - 5:31pm |
Yes |
03/23/2022 |
H.546 Racial Justice Statistics Part 1 2/23/2022 |
03/25/2022 - 2:22pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
H.711 Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee/Opioid Abatement Special Fund 2/23/2022 |
03/25/2022 - 12:22pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
Farm to Plate Report: 10 Year Retrospective 2/23/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 7:46pm |
Yes |
02/23/2022 |
S.228 Prohibiting No-Knock Warrants, S.140 Prohibiting Civil Arrests at Courthouses 2/22/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 6:48pm |
Yes |
02/22/2022 |
S.251 Divestment of State Pension Funds From Fossil Fuel Companies 2/22/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 6:37pm |
Yes |
03/22/2022 |
Health Disparities Grant 2/22/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 6:23pm |
Yes |
02/22/2022 |
H.96 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Development Task Force 2/22/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 6:18pm |
Yes |
02/22/2022 |
S.171 Adoption of a State Code of Ethics 2/18/2022 |
03/24/2022 - 6:14pm |
Yes |
02/18/2022 |
Youth Tobacco Program 2/18/2022 |
03/23/2022 - 7:56pm |
Yes |
02/18/2022 |